Political Science


An interest in politics, 政府, or current events often leads students to the study of political science.

But this major is more than just the study of political structures—it’s a broad understanding of history and culture combined with discussion of current events and cutting-edge statistical analysis.

From small-town elections to global international relations, you will reSearch, study and analyze some of the largest problems facing our society today: How does a society balance freedom and equality? Is it possible to reconcile individual desires with community needs? Coker’s political science program challenges you to address these broad theological questions and relate them to today’s political debates. You’ll learn to communicate effectively and defend your views through debate and discussion, preparing you for a volatile political environment and teaching you how to adapt and thrive with change.


Social Class & 不平等

To study politics, you must understand the role of social equality in issues of power, 特权, and prestige. In this course, you will learn about the development of ruling classes and elites, as well as social mobility and bases of inequality with an emphasis on how they may impact our society in the future.

Public Opinion

How do you measure the perspectives and desires of the general public? What influences those perspectives? In this course, you will be introduced to major theories on the dynamics of public opinion, as well as the major methods of opinion assessment. Primary focus will be on mass media, propaganda, and contemporary social and political issues.

Politics of the Environment

The environment is becoming an increasingly common topic in modern political discourse. In this course, you’ll investigate a variety of environmental issues and the ways they affect public attitudes and 政府al policies. Topics of discussion will include pollution, global warming, energy policies, sustainable development, demography, and resource depletion.

One Degree That Opens All These Doors

  • $57,316

    Legislative Advocate

  • $90,529

    Government Program Manager

  • $56,463

    Campaign Manager

  • $83,328


  • $39,737

    Community Organizer

  • $57,606

    City Planner

  • $57,606

    City Planner

  • $69,533

    Communications Director

  • $40,077


  • $39,709

    Legislative Assistant

  • $50,701


  • $51,095

    Non-Profit Program Administrator

  • $56,517

    Policy Analyst

  • $53,962

    Political Scientist

Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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